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Connecticut Women & Girls Data Hub

The Connecticut Women & Girls Data Hub is more than just an interactive platform—it’s a catalyst for equity.

An interactive, online platform designed to illuminate the stories behind the statistics. This tool provides access to publicly available data at regional, city, and statewide levels—disaggregated by gender and race—to drive informed decisions and equitable change. This isn’t just about numbers—it’s about impact. Women and girls across Connecticut are raising their hands, stepping into leadership, and shaping the future. Every data point tells a story, and together, we can turn those stories into solutions.

Explore the data. There’s power in numbers and strength in action.

Six diverse women holding hands

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In , you will find

Female Population by Age

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B01001

Female Race & Ethnicity

Counting race is generally complicated.

The US Census Bureau distinguishes between race (eg Asian or Black) and Hispanic ethnicity. In this bar chart, for all but the white non-Hispanic group, counts include those women who self-identify as Hispanic or Latina. Hispanic group includes women of all races. Therefore, the total value of 7 bars exceeds the actual population of females in the area.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, tables B01001B through B01001I

Females by US Citizenship Status

Generally, females aged 18 and over have higher foreign-born rates than those under 18.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B05003

Marital Status

Over half of females in Hartford and New Haven were never married, while the majority of females in Litchfield and Fairfield counties are married.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B12001

Females in Long-Term Care (Nursing Facilities)

Overall in Connecticut the share of females in nursing facilities has declined, from 69% in 2013 down to 64% in 2019. Bridgeport, however, is experiencing the opposite trend.

Those whose gender is unknown were counted as non-female, so the real share of females in long term care may be slightly higher.

Females Without Health Insurance

According to the American Community Survey, females are more likely to have health insurance coverage than males in Connecticut. Young adults (age group 26-34) have higher rates of uninsured population among all age groups for many geographies in Connecticut.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B27001

Females with Birth in Past 12 Months

The pie chart on the left shows the share of females aged 15-50 who gave birth in the past 12 months and the pie chart on the right shows their marital status. Now married includes women who are separated whose spouses are absent. Unmarried includes women who are divorced, widowed, or have never been married.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B13002 (including subtables B through I)

Infant Mortality

The bar chart below shows infant mortality rates per 1,000 births. Race and Hispanic ethnicity are not mutually exclusive groups, and women identifying themselves as Hispanic can be of any race and are also counted in the race breakdown as either "white" or "Black". To avoid high degree of variability, rates for less than 5 deaths are not presented.

Source: The Office of Vital Records at the Connecticut Department of Public Health, 2018 (provisional)

Maternal Mortality in Connecticut and Nearby States

Maternal mortality is the number of deaths from any cause related to pregnancy and its management (excluding accidental or incidental causes) and up to 12 months following the termination of pregnancy, per 100,000 live births. This is a 2019 5-year estimate.

This data is only available on the state and national level.

Source: 2024 CDC WONDER Online Database, Mortality files, accessed via United Health Foundation's America's Health Rankings

Preterm Births

Preterm Birth Rate by Race/Ethnicity

In Connecticut, the preterm birth rate among Black women is 42% higher than the rate among all other women. This data is only available on the state level.

Preterm Birth Rate by County (All Races)

Connecticut's preterm birth rate is 9.4%, which is classified as C+ by March of Dimes. Data is not available for Tolland county and Windham county.

Source: 2024 March of Dimes Report Card

Sex Trafficking

Sex Trafficking Victims in Connecticut

This data is only available on the state level.

Source: Human Anti-trafficking Response Team (HART) in Connecticut, December 2019

Educational Attainment

In Connecticut, 2 in 3 females aged 25+ have at least some college education. In Norwalk, Stamford, as well as Fairfield and Tolland counties, there are more women with Bachelor's degrees than those with high school diploma. At the same time, over 20% of women in Hartford and Bridgeport do not have a high school diploma.


Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, tables B15002

Median Earnings of Females by Educational Attainment

Median earnings for women increase with educational attainment.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B20004

Suspensions by Gender in Connecticut

The number of suspensions are reported for students with at least one in- or out-of-school suspension or expulsion. Male students received twice as many suspensions than female students.

The most recent data are from the 2018-19 academic year. 2017-18 was the first and only academic year in which data for non-binary students was available.

Source: CT State Department of Education (via EdSight)

Percentage of High School Students Who Felt Close to People at School (YRBS 2023)

Students on Track to Graduate By Gender

Source: EdSignt

Females in Poverty

The pie chart below shows what percentage of women are below the poverty line, according to the American Community Survey.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B17001

Female Poverty by Race/Ethnicity

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, tables B17001B through B17001I

Earnings for Full-Time Female Workers

The bar charts below shows the distribution of earnings of full-time female workers, by race and Hispanic ethnicity. Use the dropdown to view data for for a select race/ethnicity.

Note that data is missing for many racial categories. Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, tables B20005, and B20005B through B20005I

Gender Pay Gap

The chart below shoes the median weekly earnings of full-time female workers as a percent of full-time male workers.

Source: US Department of Labor, 1998–2023 (annual averages)

Employment and Labor Force Participation home_work

Labor force includes females aged 16 and over who are available to work. Those in the labor force are generally split into employed and unemployed. Those not in labor force often include students, retirees, and those who take care of children or other family members.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B12006

Female Households Without Spouse Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP

Family households with a female householder and no spouse present generally receive SNAP benefits in higher numbers if they have children under 18. Over 60% of such households in Hartford, New Britain, and Waterbury receive SNAP benefits, compared to under 30% in Fairfield and Litchfield counties.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B22002

Female Heads of Households Earning Below and Above ALICE

The ALICE Threshold represents the minimum income level necessary based on the Household Survival Budget (estimate of the total cost of household essentials – housing, child care, food, transportation, technology, and health care, plus taxes and a 10 percent contingency). It is calculated for each county.

Values for Connecticut and some towns are not available.


Employment and Median Earnings by Occupation

The bar chars below represent the number of women employed in a particular occupation field, and the median earnings of women in that field. Data are not available for all geographies. In general, median earnings of women working in STEM and management fields are highest. While management occupations comprise 13% of all female employment in Connecticut, STEM field accounts for only 4%.

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table C24020

Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates, table B24022

Connecticut Representation by Gender

Table 1: Statewide Executive

Source: CAWP: Women Elected Officials

Table 2: Congress - Previous and Current

Source: CAWP: Women Elected Officials

Table 4: Active Women Elected Officials by Position

Source: CAWP: Women Elected Officials

Poor Mental Health

According to the BRFSS survey, adult women were more likely to report poor mental health than adult men. Black (non-Hispanic) respondents suffer from poor mental health at a higher rate than respondents whose race is white (non-Hispanic), Hispanic, and Other (non-Hispanic).

This data is only available on the state level. The bar chart below shows percent of respondents who reported 14 or more days of poor mental health during 30 days prior to the survey. Unfortunately, racial breakdown is unavailable by gender.

Suicide Ideation and Attempt

According to the BRFSS, 11% of females have thought about taking their own life, compared to 14% of males. Of those who thought about suicide, 31% of females and 30% of males attempted suicide.

This data is only available on the state level. The bar chart shows percent of respondents who reported they had ever thought of taking their own life, and those who thought of and then attempted suicide. White, Black, and Other race do not include Hispanic ethnicity. Unfortunately, racial breakdown is unavailable by gender.

Suicides in Connecticut, by Gender

Historically, males are much more likely to commit suicides than females. The line chart below shows annual suicides by gender in Connecticut between 1990–2023.

Accidental Drug-Related Deaths

CT Office of the Chief Medical Examiner records all accidental deaths associated with drug overdose in Connecticut. The latest available data is for 2018.

The bar chart below shows the breakdown of drug-related deaths by race and ethnicity in selected geography. Counts are based on places of residence, not places of deaths (big cities with hospitals tend to experience larger numbers of deaths). 0.3% of all deaths do not have gender information and are excluded from this chart.

DUI Crashes

UCONN Crash Data Repository project collects data on all registered car accidents in the state. The bar chart shows the number of DUI crashes, injuries, and fatalities in selected geography in 2024.

Correctional Facility Daily Population Count - York CI


Homeownership Rate by Race

Historically, people of color have had lower homeownership rates than white people. This is also the case for Connecticut and most of its subdivisions. The bar chart shows percentage of women who live in homes that are owned, not rented.

Other category includes women who self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, other race, and two or more races.


Source: ACS 2023 5-year estimates

Median Rent

In , median gross rent is estimated to be

house monetization_on

Source: 2023 American Community Survey, 5-year estimates

Average Contract Rent

Contract rent is the amount paid by a tenant to the owner of the property. It does not include utility bills. Unlike the median, the average rent can be skewed by more expensive properties.

Average Gross Rent

Average gross rent is estimated from the aggregted gross rent paid by all rental households in the area, divided by the number of rental households. Unlike the median, it can be skewed by more expensive properties.

Eviction Cases Filed

Click here to access the Connecticut Eviction Map

📚 Research Reports

Beyond Homework: Supports Needed for Student Mothers

A deep dive into the challenges faced by student mothers and the resources required to support their academic success.

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Elusive Equity: Continuing Effects of Covid-19 on Women’s Economic Security

An exploration of how the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women’s financial stability and job security.

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Exposing Connecticut’s Eviction Crisis

Analyzing the intersection of race and gender in Connecticut's eviction crisis, highlighting disparities in housing security.

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Essential Equity: Women, Covid-19, and Rebuilding CT

A discussion on policies and strategies to ensure women are central to Connecticut’s post-pandemic economic recovery.

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Period Poverty in America

An in-depth national study on period poverty, powered by Dignity Grows, examining access to menstrual hygiene products.

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Toward Equity

Investing in Women and Girls for Connecticut's Future

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